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  • The Clerk

The Parish Pump - March 2017


Planning Applications discussed:

0492/17 Chestnut House, Wilby Road IP21 5HP. Councillors voted by majority vote to not support this application.

0600/17 Scotts Pine, Wilby Road IP21 5JN. Councillors voted by majority vote to support this application.

0533/17 2 Battlesea Green Close, IP21 5JN. Councillors voted by unanimous vote to support this application.

Other planning methods:

0040/17 - The Priory, Drs Lane IP21 5HU: Granted 15/2/17

0310/17– Land adjacent 1 White House cottages, IP21 5HJ: Granted 13/3/17

0480/17 - Queens Head Cottage IP21 5HG – no update at time of meeting

Parish Council Updates:

  • Forms for the final grants for the Play Park improvements have been submitted.

  • The gatepost at the cemetery has been removed for repair.

  • A company has been identified to carry out the work to the gateposts at the Church.

  • A letter has been received from a member of the public concerning progress on the Neighbourhood Plan. It was decided that an extraordinary Parish Council meeting will be called on 20th April. The Neighbourhood Plan Committee will be invited to update the Council on the progress to date and a plan going forward.

  • The defibrillator cabinet has been received but awaiting outcome of BT consultation before installation in the kiosk can take place.


Cllr Mcgregor:

Council tax has increased by 3% to cover adult social care and the Council are dipping into reserves during these tough times.

New bridges planned for Ipswich and Lowestoft.

It is proposed that the Police and Crime Commissioner will take over fire/rescue service.

It is hoped to have a holistic approach to transport.

Cllr Flatman:

MSDC budget had increased by 1.64%.

Paddock House and the site of the former middle school in Stowmarket have been earmarked for development of affordable housing.

If there any concerns or complaints concerning Leisure facilities, Cllr Flatman will pass them on.

MSDC have launched at new website. Cllr Flatman would welcome any comments on this.

If you notice any problems with roads/pavements/footpaths – they can be reported at:

If you notice any problems with street lights – they can be reported at:

Parish Council drop in clinic

The council drop in clinics will run on the Tuesday in the week following a Parish Council meeting.

The next clinic will be: Tuesday, 18th April at 2.15pm in the Library.

Members of the public and press are very welcome to attend meetings of the Parish Council and to bring matters of concern or information to the attention to Members in the time allocated to the Public Forum.

Dog owners are requested to clean up after their pets and only use the bins designated for dog waste.

Do not to use the litter bins when disposing of dog waste. If the designated bins are full, please take your bags home.

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