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  • The Clerk

The Parish Pump - June 2017

MEETING OF 12th June 2017

There were no new planning applications to consider

Councillors will be applying to fell a Cherry Blossom Tree in the churchyard.

Trees overhanging the pavement will also be cut back.

Results of planning applications considered by MSDC since the PC last met:

1356/17 – Summer Place, Battlesea Green, IP21 5NE Granted

1292/17 – Glenmore, Queen’s Street, IP21 5NG Granted

No updates on the following applications:

1503/17 – Cadogan, New Street, IP21 5JG

1550/17 – Holly Tree Farm, Barley Green, IP21 5LY

1693/17 – Long Row House, Laxfield Road, IP21 5JT

1453/17 – Mulberry Lodge, Laxfield Road, IP21 5NQ

1550/17 – Holly Tree Farm, Barley Green, IP21 5LY

0492/17 – Chestnut House, Wilby Road, IP21 5JP

1000/17 – Hayfield House, Neaves Lane IP21 5JE

1283/17 – Tudor Farm, Battlesea Green, IP21 5NE

Parish Council Updates:

  • The Police SafeCam team have visited Stradbroke over the last few weeks.

  • The permanent speed sign at Westhall will be replaced by end of July and it is hoped the one on Wilby Road will follow shortly.

  • Work is complete on the play parks. An official opening will take place on 23rd July.

  • Councillors agreed to an assignment of the Lease for the Medical Centre to the new Stradbroke Trust.

  • Stradbroke Sports Open Day was a success.

  • The Neighbourhood Plan committee gave an update on timescales to the Councillors.

  • Councillors will be undertaking whole council training later in the month.

  • Councillors accepted a quote for repair work to the Chapel at the cemetery.

Cllr Flatman’s report

She has a locality budget for the year and is happy to hear from groups or organisations that wish to apply (details available from the Clerk). Applications must link to MSDC strategic Plan.

Sadly, there is no chance of overturning the decision regarding use of Debit Cards at the Post Office.

Parish Council drop in clinic

The council drop in clinics will run on the Tuesday in the week following a Parish Council meeting.

The next clinic will be: Tuesday, 18th July at 2.15pm in the Library.

Next PC Meeting 10th July Community Centre @ 7.30pm.

Members of the public and press are very welcome to attend meetings of the Parish Council and to bring matters of concern or information to the attention to Members in the time allocated to the Public Forum.

Odile Wladon


Mobile: 07555 066147 email:

Mill Hill House, Wickham Skeith, Suffolk IP23 8NA

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