Don’t say: “There is nothing I can do”, because there is:
You can stand for election to the Parish Council on Thursday, 2nd May 2019
Can I stand? There are only a few rules to stand for election.
You must be:
A British citizen, or a citizen of the Commonwealth, or the European Union
18 years of age or older
Live in an area that is served by a local council
Nomination packs are available from the Clerk. Please email stradbrokepc@outlook.com to request a copy or the Clerk will have blank nomination forms available at the Parish Council clinics on 19th February and 19th March, as well as at the 11th March Parish Council meeting.
Further information is available at: https://www.midsuffolk.gov.uk/features/are-you-election-ready-heres-our-quick-guide/
Nomination forms must be hand delivered to a member of the Electoral Services Team, Babergh & Mid Suffolk District Council Office, Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich, Suffolk IP21 2BX by 4pm on 3rd April 2019. Mid Suffolk have offered an appointment to the Clerk to hand deliver any nomination forms that have been given to her. The appointment is on 14th March – please contact the Clerk if you would like to use this service and to arrange a collection point for your nomination form. If you would prefer to book your own appointment to deliver your nomination paper, please email: elections@baberghmidsuffok.gov.uk
Each nominee must be proposed and seconded by a registered elector in Stradbroke, the Clerk has a copy of the full electoral roll should anyone require information on their elector number. Please email the Clerk for information stradbrokepc@outlook.com
NOTE: All applications should be dated 12th March 2019 or later, as this is the date the election notice will be published.
Odile Wladon