At an extraordinary meeting of the Parish Council on Friday 22nd February 2019, the Councillors reviewed a letter received from The Stradbroke Trust.
The Trust asked the Parish Council to agree to allow them to surrender the Lease on the health centre with effect from 1st April 2019. Councillors voted unanimously to agree to this request.
Going forward, this decision will enable the Parish Council to rent the health centre directly to the Doctors.
The Parish Council will be able to ensure that in the future the focus is on the health centre in Stradbroke by using the revenue from the rent to ensure that the health centre continues to be properly maintained.
The intention of the Parish Council is to reserve any excess funds from the rent received to be used specifically for the improvement and/or expansion of the building as Stradbroke grows. Having a Lease directly between the Doctors and the Parish Council will enable the Council to work closely with the Doctors on any future needs of the surgery.
The Parish Council would like to take this opportunity to thank the Trustees for the work they have carried out on the health centre over the last 23 years.
26th February 2019
Note: Draft minutes of all recent Parish Council meetings can be found here