Your local GP practice will be closed on Good Friday (April 19) and Easter Monday (April 22).
There are some actions you can take to protect your health and the health of your loved ones.
If you use repeat prescription medicine make sure you will have enough to last over the holiday weekend.
Some pharmacies are open on the Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday – call NHS 111 to find the location and opening times. The pharmacist can offer advice and over-the-counter medicines to help you.
You can also call NHS 111 for urgent medical help and advice, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You will speak to a trained advisor who will help you. Or you can access NHS 111 Online https://111.nhs.uk/
The Suffolk GP+ service can offer an appointment with a GP or nurse over the long weekend – you can book through your own GP practice during its usual opening hours or be referred by the NHS 111 service.
For more information to help keep healthy and well visit the websites of:
NHS Ipswich and East Suffolk CCG – www.ipswichandeastsuffolkccg.nhs.uk
NHS West Suffolk CCG – www.westsuffolkccg.nhs.uk